Typically you need a 4w high clearance vechicle to reach the ruins, but this is expenisve and I like to ride the dirt roads on my bike. The ruins are out in the forest though a maze of dirt roads. I got some directions out of an old book and was willing to give it a try. The road was rough. Much of it was exposed bedrock which was wet and covered in a mossy slime rendering it very slippery. I actually fell, and the bedrock is very hard. This was all well and good, but then we hit the mud. My wheels locked up because the mud caked everywhere. Walking was hard too. We decided the bikes where useless and went on by foot. The mud was so thick and sticky we could hardly walk. The road kind river too when it rained. We quickly came upon a new substance that i believe was quicksand. It was only about 8 inches deep, but you sank right into it. Harder to walk though than 3 feet of snow. I had to Pull Pablo out of only about a foot of it. If it was much deeper it would be a nightmare. We had to turn back, I had to carry my bike, the wheels just did not turn. When I took the time to clean off the mud, it was about 20 feet before the wheels locked up again. That was that. I knew there was a second way to get there. If fact after talking with people knowbody had known about this route.
Mud sooo sticky!
This was just sludge, and it is hard to see, but the bottom was at least 4´deep. I cannot imagine a car passing though this.
We where close to more ruins of course since there are ruins everywhere here. Hormiguero just down the road was reported to be haunted by disembodied voices, but have no idea if there is any truth. I heard nothing. Structure 2 is the best preserved monstermouth doorway in the Rio Bec Region, really something to see.
Structure 2, a twin tower with a monster mouth doorway built on a grand scale. I look like I am 3´tall here.
Pablos wheel was falling apart like i have never seen. He was lucky to make it home. He got it rebuit in town with ultra heavy spokes.
Distance Rode: 53km
Total: 1147km
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